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Shopify Plus 2023: Ultimate SEO Guide to Boost Your Store’s Traffic

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Shopify SEO plays a crucial role in driving traffic and increasing sales for your online store. Understanding the importance of optimizing your Shopify store can lead to better visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs) and boost your store’s organic search ranking. As a Shopify Plus user, you have access to an enterprise-grade platform that offers several advanced features for search engine optimization.

Implementing effective SEO strategies for your Shopify Plus store involves both on-page and technical optimization. On-page optimizations include high-quality product descriptions, optimized meta tags, and effective use of relevant keywords, while technical aspects involve taking care of site speed, mobile UX, and addressing duplicate content issues. By focusing on these elements and leveraging available apps and tools for SEO, you can improve your store’s performance and boost your store’s visibility in different markets.

Key Takeaways

  • Optimizing your Shopify Plus store is essential for higher search rankings and increased sales
  • Focus on both on-page and technical aspects for effective SEO strategies on Shopify
  • Utilize available apps and tools to enhance your Shopify store’s performance and visibility in various markets

Understanding Shopify SEO and Its Importance

Shopify SEO is an essential aspect of optimizing your online store for better visibility on search engines like Google. With effective search engine optimization (SEO), your Shopify store can attract more organic traffic, leading to increased awareness and sales. As an ecommerce platform, Shopify provides various built-in SEO features and tools to help you improve your store’s online presence.

Considering the growing competition in the ecommerce market, it is crucial to ensure your store ranks well on search engine results pages (SERPs). When you optimize your store’s content, structure, and keywords, search engines can easily recognize and index your products. This, in turn, makes it more likely for potential customers to discover your items when they search for related queries.

Implementing Shopify SEO involves working on various elements of your online store, such as optimizing product titles, descriptions, images, and meta tags. Also, enhancing your store’s site architecture and navigation, creating informative and keyword-rich blog content, and building high-quality backlinks can significantly contribute to better SEO results.

Shopify Plus SEO, specifically, refers to SEO adjustments made for stores using the Shopify Plus platform. These adjustments might include removing duplicate product page links, reducing JavaScript-dependent content, and making faceted navigation adjustments. However, it is worth noting that Shopify Plus doesn’t inherently offer any significant SEO advantages over the standard Shopify plans.

In summary, prioritizing Shopify SEO is a crucial step in ensuring your store’s success and growth. By focusing on improving your store’s visibility on search engines, you can drive more organic traffic, engage new customers, and ultimately boost your sales and revenue. So, take the time to assess and implement SEO strategies that work best for your store, and remember that ongoing optimization is vital as search engine algorithms continually evolve.

Exploring Shopify Plus

As you dive into the world of Shopify Plus, you’ll discover a range of features and benefits designed to help your ecommerce business thrive. This platform is geared towards enterprise-level businesses, providing you with the tools you need to grow and maintain customer relations while boosting your sales.

One of the key advantages of Shopify Plus is its powerful SEO capabilities. With the right adjustments to your Shopify Plus site, you can improve search engine rankings and generate more traffic. SEO initiatives include eliminating duplicate product page links, reducing JavaScript-dependent content, and making faceted navigation adjustments.

When it comes to integrations and apps, Shopify Plus excels in offering a variety of plugins to help optimize your online store. These tools can give your site an SEO boost while enhancing other aspects of your ecommerce operations, such as inventory management and customer chats.

The Shopify Plus Academy offers various courses and webinars tailored to help you maximize your success on the platform. Topics include customer value optimization, conversion tactics for B2B businesses, and strategies for POS systems. Dedicating time to these resources will equip you with valuable knowledge that can further elevate your store’s performance.

While Shopify is often associated with small to medium-sized businesses, it’s important to note that Shopify Plus delivers enterprise-grade capabilities without the complexities or high costs of traditional enterprise applications. By choosing Shopify Plus, your ecommerce business can enjoy the scalability and flexibility needed for sustained growth.

In summary, as you explore Shopify Plus, you’ll uncover a host of features, benefits, and resources designed to help your ecommerce business flourish. By taking full advantage of the platform’s SEO capabilities, extensive integrations, and educational offerings, you can position your store for continued success in the competitive online market.

Optimizing Your Shopify Store

Improving Site Structure

A well-organized site structure plays a significant role in enhancing your Shopify store’s SEO. Focus on arranging your navigation in a logical order to make it easier for search engines to understand your store’s content. Organize your online store into categories and subcategories, ensuring that your products are within a few clicks from your homepage.

Maximizing Site Speed

Site speed is crucial, as it affects the user experience and search engine ranking of your Shopify store. To maximize your store’s speed, optimize product images and videos by compressing them without compromising their quality. You should also choose a responsive and fast-loading theme. Regularly audit your site and remove any unnecessary elements, such as outdated apps or unused code, that could slow down your store.

Prioritizing User Experience

A positive user experience is critical in retaining customers and improving your store’s search engine ranking. Ensure your Shopify store is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and responsive on various devices. Optimize your store’s layout and include elements such as clear call-to-action buttons, easy-to-read fonts, and concise product descriptions. Finally, make sure your customer support is efficient and easily accessible.

Perfecting URL Structure

Your Shopify store’s URL structure should be clear and descriptive, making it easy for both search engines and users to understand. Use hyphens to separate words, and avoid using unnecessary special characters or numbers. It’s also essential to include relevant keywords in your URLs to improve your visibility in search results. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can negatively impact your SEO.

Key Elements of Shopify SEO

The Power of Keywords

Keywords play a crucial role in improving your Shopify store’s search engine ranking and visibility. Utilizing tools such as a 14-day SemRush trial can help you identify the most relevant keywords for your store. Once you’ve identified these keywords, make sure they are included in your store’s title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs, as well as product descriptions and headings throughout your site.

Benefits of Structured Data

Structured data can significantly improve your Shopify SEO by allowing search engine crawlers to better understand your store’s content and providing rich snippets in search results. Implementing structured data may help increase your click-through rates and search engine rankings. Make sure to use appropriate schema markup to organize your store’s information, such as product details, reviews, and prices.

The Role of Internal Linking

Internal linking, or linking to other pages within your Shopify store, can provide several benefits for your SEO. Firstly, it helps with user navigation and promotes a better user experience. Secondly, strategically placing internal links can distribute your store’s authority and help search engines crawl and understand your site structure more effectively. By properly structuring your site and ensuring that all pages are linked adequately, you can help improve your store’s search engine rankings.

Throughout your site content, use internal linking to guide your users towards relevant product pages, categories, and blog posts. Use natural anchor text for internal links, and try to spread them evenly to maintain the flow of your content. Remember, a well-executed internal linking strategy can play a vital role in your Shopify store’s search engine success.

Product Page Optimization

Writing Effective Product Descriptions

To create a highly optimized Shopify SEO Plus product page, focus on writing product descriptions that cater to your target audience. Describe the benefits and features of your product while incorporating relevant keywords. Use clear and concise language that resonates with your customers and guides them towards making a purchase. Remember, it’s essential to tailor each product description to the specific needs and interests of your target audience.

Preventing Duplicate Content Issues

Duplicate content can negatively impact your SEO efforts, so it’s essential to minimize this issue on your Shopify store. One common source of duplicate content is having similar or identical descriptions on multiple product or product category pages. To prevent this, ensure each product has a unique description, and differentiate product category pages by using specific, unique headings and content.

Applying the Canonical Tag

In some cases, duplicate content cannot be avoided, such as when you have multiple URLs for the same product page. To resolve this issue, apply the canonical tag to your product pages. The canonical tag informs search engines which version of the page is the “preferred” version for indexing, helping to prevent duplicate content issues. By implementing this on your Shopify SEO Plus store, you can improve your online visibility and drive more organic traffic to your products.

Understanding and Using Apps and Tools for SEO

The Importance of Shopify POS

Shopify POS (Point of Sale) is a crucial component for any online store. It streamlines the process of managing your inventory, order processing, and customer relationships. Integrating a POS system like Shopify’s can help you track your store’s performance and make informed decisions. This will ultimately lead to better SEO practices, as you gain insights into what customers are searching for, and how well your store’s current offerings are meeting those needs.

Exploring Other Ecommerce Platforms

While Shopify is an excellent platform for your online store, it’s important to familiarize yourself with other e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce, Magento, and Commerce Cloud. By understanding their features and capabilities, you can better assess whether they may be a better fit for your specific needs, or if there are features that you can borrow from those platforms to improve your store’s SEO. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so make sure to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Utilizing Reporting Tools

To help optimize your online store, make use of reliable reporting tools and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Tools like Google Analytics can provide useful information on your store’s performance and visitor behavior. This data will allow you to fine-tune your SEO strategy and make informed decisions to boost your search engine ranking.

In addition to third-party reporting tools, consider using an ERP system to integrate all aspects of your business, from marketing and sales to inventory. An ERP can provide valuable insights into your operations, enabling you to make strategic decisions that improve your store’s SEO and overall customer experience. By integrating these tools with your store, you can take a more comprehensive approach to SEO management and achieve better results in the long run.

Technical Aspects of Shopify SEO

Effect of Robots.txt.liquid

One important technical SEO aspect of Shopify is the utilization of robots.txt.liquid. This file gives you the ability to manage and control which pages or files on your website can be crawled and indexed by search engine robots. However, you should be cautious when editing this file to avoid blocking important pages or resources that could negatively impact your SEO. On Shopify, you can edit the robots.txt.liquid file to better align with your store’s SEO needs, but make sure you understand its implications before making changes.

Redirects and SEO

Managing redirects properly is vital for your Shopify store’s SEO performance. Redirects can be used to ensure that users and search engines can access your content through updated URLs when you make changes to your site structure or delete pages.

Shopify makes it relatively simple to create and manage redirects within the platform. However, it’s crucial to focus on implementing 301 redirects (which indicate a permanent change) as opposed to temporary 302 redirects. This is because search engines transfer the SEO value (such as page authority and link equity) from the old URL to the new one with 301 redirects.

Another point to consider is the impact of JavaScript on your website’s SEO. Shopify stores often rely on JavaScript for various dynamic features and functionalities, but search engines may have difficulty crawling and indexing JavaScript-heavy content. To mitigate this issue, you should ensure that your website’s primary content and navigation are accessible without relying solely on JavaScript.

By paying attention to these technical aspects, you can optimize your Shopify store’s SEO performance and ensure a robust online presence for your products and brand.

Shopify SEO for Different Markets

Optimizing for Bing

When it comes to optimizing your Shopify store for search engines, you shouldn’t overlook Bing. Although it may not be as popular as Google, Bing is still used by a significant portion of internet users, especially in Canada. To improve your store’s visibility on Bing’s search engine results pages (SERPs), incorporate relevant keywords and metadata, just as you would for Google.

Moreover, you should submit your store’s sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools to ensure proper indexing. Also, take advantage of Bing’s rich snippets feature by using proper product schema markup. This can help boost your click-through rates in Bing SERPs.

SEO for Other Geographies

Optimizing your Shopify store for different geographies involves tailoring your SEO strategy to each market’s unique search habits and preferences. Keyword research with SemRush is crucial for this, as it highlights the terms your target audience is most likely to use.

For instance, if your store serves English-speaking customers in Europe, you might want to focus on keywords and phrases that are popular among users in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia. Additionally, offering content in multiple languages can greatly expand your store’s reach.

Ensuring your store loads quickly in various regions is another crucial aspect of optimizing your Shopify SEO for different geographies. Implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can help improve your site’s load times for users around the world.

Finally, consider localizing your content, URLs, and product descriptions to reflect the language, currency, and preferences of each target region. This not only improves the user experience but can also give your store a competitive edge in SERPs across different markets.

Overcoming Challenges and Limitations of Shopify SEO

Shopify SEO Plus is a powerful e-commerce platform, but like any platform, it has its challenges and limitations when it comes to SEO. In this section, we’ll discuss some common issues and offer solutions to help you overcome them.

One of the main limitations of Shopify SEO is the potential for thin content. Thin content can hurt your rankings, as search engines may view it as less valuable than more in-depth content. To combat this, ensure that your product descriptions, blog posts, and other content on your site are detailed and informative. Incorporate relevant keywords and avoid duplicate or generic content.

Another common issue with Shopify SEO involves problems with custom builds. If you’ve gone the route of a custom build, some SEO elements might not be optimized, leading to lower rankings in search results. To address these problems, you should hire a knowledgeable developer to assess your site and implement the necessary changes. It’s also crucial to stay up-to-date with best practices for SEO, as they’re constantly evolving.

If you want to tackle these SEO challenges head-on, consider employing several tactics, such as:

  • Using headings and subheadings to improve readability and structure
  • Optimizing meta titles and descriptions to increase click-through rates
  • Implementing proper keyword research for targeted content creation
  • Creating internal links throughout your site to boost SEO value
  • Utilizing schema markup to provide search engines with more context

By addressing these limitations and implementing best practices, you can work towards improving your Shopify SEO performance and increasing organic traffic to your site. As you optimize your store, remember to be confident, knowledgeable, and remain neutral and clear in your approach. With dedicated effort and ongoing maintenance, you can overcome the challenges and limitations of Shopify SEO.

Driving More Traffic and Revenue with Shopify SEO

Shopify SEO plays a crucial role in attracting more traffic to your online store and increasing revenue. By implementing proper SEO strategies, you can improve your store’s visibility on search engines, leading to an increase in organic traffic, sales, and profitability.

To drive more traffic to your store, focus on optimizing your site structure and keywords for SEO. A well-optimized site makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your online store, leading to better visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). Additionally, conducting thorough keyword research with SemRush helps you find the right terms to target your specific audience, increasing your chances of attracting potential customers.

Increasing your store’s revenue begins with improving conversion rates. Make sure your site is easy to navigate and that your products are organized into categories. This helps potential customers find what they are looking for quickly, increasing the likelihood of a purchase. Furthermore, optimize your product descriptions and images to provide shoppers with all the information they need to make an informed decision.

Click-through rates (CTR) are an important aspect of driving traffic and revenue. To improve CTR, create compelling and informative meta descriptions and title tags for each page in your store. These brief snippets of text will entice users to click on your website links when displayed on SERPs, ultimately increasing your site’s traffic.

Lastly, monitor your store’s performance and measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. Regularly analyze data such as traffic, revenue, conversion rates, and CTR to see what is working and where improvements can be made. By continually refining your SEO strategies, you can ensure your online store remains competitive and continues to grow your customer base and revenue.


In summary, optimizing your Shopify Plus site for SEO requires consistent effort. However, the investment pays off as you’ll see an increase in both traffic and conversions over time. To enhance your Shopify SEO performance, focus on streamlining your site speed, avoiding duplicate content, and implementing best practices for on-page optimization.

By continuously improving your site’s overall structure and targeting strategic keywords, you’ll position your store for greater visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Moreover, adopting technical SEO considerations tailored to Shopify Plus will ensure the smooth operation of your e-commerce site.

Remember to keep an eye on your progress by monitoring key SEO metrics and making data-driven adjustments as needed. By diligently following these suggestions, your Shopify Plus store will be well on its way to achieving better search engine rankings, ultimately driving more organic traffic and sales to your business.

But first…

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best SEO apps for Shopify Plus?

There are numerous SEO apps available for Shopify Plus to help improve your store’s visibility in search engine results. Some popular ones include Plug in SEO, SEO Manager, and Smart SEO. It’s crucial to explore and choose an app based on your specific needs and requirements.

How to optimize images for SEO on Shopify?

To optimize images for SEO on Shopify, follow these steps:

  1. Use descriptive and keyword-rich file names.
  2. Compress your images to reduce file size without compromising quality.
  3. Add alt tags that accurately describe the image’s content, including relevant keywords.
  4. Use responsive image settings to ensure images appear correctly on all devices.

How does Yoast SEO compare with RankMath for Shopify?

Yoast SEO and RankMath are popular SEO plugins for WordPress, but they are not available for Shopify. However, you can find alternative Shopify-specific SEO apps like Plug in SEO, SEO Manager, and Smart SEO to improve your store’s search engine rankings.

What benefits does Shopify Plus provide for SEO?

Shopify Plus offers various built-in SEO features, such as auto-generated canonical tags, automatically generated sitemap.xml and robots.txt files, and customizable meta tags and URLs. Additionally, with Shopify Plus, you’ll have access to a broader range of SEO apps and tools catering to larger enterprises, providing extra support for your store’s SEO strategy.

Is investing in Shopify SEO worth it?

Investing in Shopify SEO is vital to ensure your online store gets noticed by potential customers. A well-optimized website can help drive organic traffic, improve search engine rankings, and increase sales. Investing time and resources into optimizing your Shopify store’s SEO can lead to significant long-term benefits.

What is the average cost for Shopify SEO services?

The cost for Shopify SEO services can vary widely, depending on the provider and the level of expertise. Some freelance SEO specialists charge hourly rates ranging from $50 to $200, while agencies may charge up to $3000 or more per month for comprehensive SEO services. It’s crucial to research and compare the offerings of various providers to find the right fit for your budget and specific needs.

Picture of Marko Prsic
Marko Prsic
As an experienced digital marketer and dropshipping mentor with over 1000 students in Eastern Europe, I share proven strategies and tips to help online entrepreneurs optimize their e-commerce business for success. Along with being one of the owners of the Dropshipping Champions product research platform, I have a talent for simplifying complicated processes into easy-to-follow advice. Passionate about email and affiliate marketing, I strive to help others achieve their goals in the digital space.
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